Thursday, April 17, 2008

It's Spring!


The budding of trees and the buzzing of bees,

The kite held in tow by a string,

The green of the grass and a rope-skipping lass-

These things remind me it's spring!


The planting of seeds and the pulling of weeds,

The menacing wasp with its sting,

The storm in the night, the bright flashes of light-

These things remind me it's spring!


The lengthening days and sun's brighter rays

And marbles arrayed in a ring,

The sailing of boats and the storing of coats-

These things remind me it's spring!


Young fellows with bats and old men chasing hats,

A child soaring high on a swing,

A boy and a pole, fishing worms, water hole-

These things remind me it's spring!


The great hand of God manifest in each clod,

The wonder of each growing thing,

The flowers in bloom, rich with fragrant perfulme-

These things remind me it's spring!


The bold daffodils and the mockingbirds' trills,

The bright-colored birds on the wing,

God's artwork displayed in a color parade-

These things remind me it's spring!


All nature's aglow! 'Tis a wonderful show

Arranged by the heavenly King!

Let all people raise their glad voices in praise

To God the Creator-it's spring!


Unknown said...

I enjoyed your post. I love Spring!